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Hannah: A Wife’s Plight

Island with church in lake Bled in hazy morning light

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Long ago, there lived a woman named Hannah. Despite being deeply loved by her husband, Elki, Hannah was barren and could not bear children. This caused her great emotional distress, as she longed to give her beloved husband an heir. In her frustration and desperation, Hannah persuaded Elki to cohabit with her cousin, Emma, so that Elki’s bloodline could continue.

However, this decision backfired. Emma bore several healthy children, while Hannah remained childless. At every family gathering, Emma would taunt Hannah, cruelly asking, “Where is your heir for Elki? He’d rather be with me.”

Despite these torments, Hannah remained steadfast in her faith, pleading with God to grant her the favor of bearing a child. Elki did his best to comfort her, but Hannah’s sorrow was deep. Both Hannah and Elki were devout Christians, attending church regularly. One Sunday, the pastor noticed Hannah praying fervently, her lips moving silently. Seeing her anguish, he approached her. Hannah poured out her heart, explaining that she was begging God to bless her with a son, whom she promised to dedicate to God’s service under the pastor’s guidance.

In the weeks that followed, Hannah’s prayers were answered, and she became pregnant. She gave birth to a healthy son, whom she and Elki named Samuel. Samuel grew into a strong and healthy boy. However, Hannah began having recurring dreams about her prayers and promises to God. She knew what needed to be done and discussed it with Elki. Trusting his wife’s wisdom, Elki agreed.

A few days later, Hannah, Elki, and Samuel went to their pastor’s home. The pastor, understanding their purpose, listened as they recounted Hannah’s vow to God. It was decided that Samuel would be raised in the church, attending a seminary school for boys where he would study the word of God alongside his regular education.

The separation from his parents caused Samuel deep anguish, but his parents’ faith and dedication provided him with a foundation of strength and purpose. Samuel’s journey was a testament to Hannah’s unwavering faith and the fulfillment of her heartfelt prayers.

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