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Embracing a Life of Peace and Righteousness: A Women’s Reflection on Psalm 34:11-14

Woman Pray for god blessing. Religious beliefs Christian life crisis prayer to god.

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Who among us desires a life filled with joy, love, and many fulfilling days? Psalm 34:11-14 offers profound wisdom for Christian women, calling us to embrace a life of righteousness and peace.

“Come, my daughters, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.”

Verse 11 invites us to approach God with the open heart of a child, eager to receive His teaching. The “fear of the Lord” here is about reverence and awe, recognizing His holiness and sovereignty. This reverent fear is the foundation of wisdom and a fruitful life.

As women, whether we are mothers, wives, professionals, or caregivers, our days are filled with endless responsibilities. Our deepest prayer is often to see our loved ones, especially our

children, thrive and experience many good days. Reflecting on these scriptures, imagine God’s gentle call: “Come, my daughters, and listen to the wisdom of God. Who among you desires to see a fruitful, prosperous, and blessed life? Then keep your tongue from evil—avoid gossip, slander, jealousy, and lies. In all you do, seek peace at any cost.”

Verse 12 speaks to our innate desire for a good and fulfilling life. The psalmist ties this desire to living righteously. By pursuing God’s ways, we align ourselves with His blessings and favor, leading to a life marked by peace and joy.

Verse 13 emphasizes the importance of our speech in living a righteous life. Our words hold great power; they can build up or tear down, bring peace or discord. By guarding our tongues from evil and deceit, we reflect God’s truth and love in our interactions.

Verse 14 concludes with a call to action: “Turn away from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” In the midst of our busy lives, we must consciously avoid evil and strive to do good— to God, to ourselves, and to others. Loving our neighbor as ourselves can be challenging, especially when faced with our own brokenness and emotions.

Together, these verses encourage us to live with integrity, respect for God, and a commitment to righteous speech, ensuring that our lives are a testimony of God’s goodness and grace. As

women of faith, let us embrace this wisdom, nurturing our families and communities with the love and peace that flow from a heart devoted to God.

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